Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Autumn food

Mashed turnips with BRISKET OF BEEF
Every time I go to a restaurant and this is on the menu, I'll have this dish. It is for me a delicatess which take a little time to make at home, but not so long. Now, I found the meat in at the grocerys and the opportunity to buy the vegetables to.

It is easy to do. If only a little time to cook the meat about 1 1/2 hour.

Mashed turnips (Rotmos) the way I like it
2-3 pers
approximately 250 g Swedish turnip
2 Average-sized potatoes
2 Average-sized carrots
ev broth from the meat to cook in
a hefty nod of butter
white pepper

Peel all vegetables. Cut rough in cubes. Boil turnip pieces approximately 10-15 minutes. Use some of the broth from the meat to boin in. Add the potatoes and boil 10 minutes and then carrots and cook another 10 minutes. Pour the "water/liquid" into a bowl. Mix and add the hot water, a nod of butter. Season with salt and white pepper.

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